The law protects workers who become injured on the job. When an accident happens on a construction site, the injuries can devastate the lives of the victim and his or her family. Do not give up if your worker’s compensation claim is denied the first time. Find an attorney to help you through this hard time.
In 2012, 4,383 deaths occurred due to on-the-job injuries. Of those, the construction industry led the nation with 775 total deaths.
The four most common construction site accidents
These four types of accidents cause 56-percent of contractor site fatalities.
The recent tragedy
Recently, an Illinois construction worker died after part of a restaurant façade fell, striking him and one other worker. The man suffered a crushed pelvis and internal bleeding. He died shortly after arriving at a local hospital. The other worker had minor injuries.
Do not suffer financial devestation
Pro se (those without a lawyer) accident victims often receive far less compensation than those with who have an attorney. The at-fault party may try to hide their insurance or claim you caused your own injuries. Insurance adjusters may even offer a settlement that is less than what the law obligates them to pay.
The financial loss after an accident may last a lifetime. If your injury causes you to lose your job, your quality of life will never recover. An injury hurts you financially. You will suffer:
The burden to your family reaches children who no longer enjoy the quality of life they once had. Sudden financial instability causes many marriages to fail.
Taking care of the victims and families
Contact an attorney who will protect you and your family from unscrupulous insurance agents and negligent property owners who refuse to admit fault. The attorneys at the Law Office of Kenneth A. Fishman, P.C. help victims and their families recover financial losses due to contractor negligence.
If the injury happened on the job, do not believe you have no rights to worker’s compensation. Contractors must maintain safe construction sites and any negligence falls to the contractor if an injury causing accident occurs.
Never settle for an amount below the expenses accrued for an accident. A personal injury attorney will explain how much compensation you need and the steps to take to get the full amount. Settling for less can forfeit thousands, or possibly tens of thousands of dollars owed to you.
Law Office of Kenneth A. Fishman, P.C., with more than 40-years working experience in the Chicago area, will help you file your claim for:
Never try to fight the other insurance companies alone. You receive a free case evaluation, the help you need and no fees until your case wins. Contact the Law Office of Kenneth A. Fishman, P.C. if you have any legal needs.